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Monday, June 25, 2007

Quick update before I go play with the kids

I just had to post after the come back that Gordon pulled off yesterday. Had a couple more cars had fuel problems and he would have come even closer to pulling off an improbably win. Of course, we'll know more tomorrow what the results will be of the infractions of this weekend. I have a feeling he is going to need all the points he can get!

Team Pts
Pts Team
paitracing 427 vs. 360 Super_D
BBuck 439 vs. 347 DraftingWithYates
A_Junior_Fan 332 vs. 95 thewildcard

It was also kind of fun to listen to the race while driving to my parents for vacation. I had to be careful though because when you start getting caught up in the race you have the temptation to put the pedal down! Good news is I didn't get a ticket and I maintained my lead on the fantasy field.
Team W L T
paitracing 14 2 0
A_Junior_Fan 10 6 0
BBuck 10 6 0
DraftingWithYates 9 7 0
Super_D 4 12 0
thewildcard 1 15 0

I'm also looking forward to getting a lot of miles in this week. This morning I did 50 miles. I averaged 19.4 mph for the ride. I managed to maintain a 20 mph average up until 40 miles and then I just started slowing down. It is a lot different riding here. You don't get any opportunities to coast. You just pedal, pedal, and pedal.

It is also hot and humid (it is low altitude with swamps all around). I stopped every 5 miles to tank up with fluids to keep from bonking. As it turned out, it worked. I'm sitting here now just a little tired but my legs feel really good and I think I'll be ready to put some more in tomorrow.

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