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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

NAACP calls on government to control church decision?

NAACP: Election changes will confuse, disenfranchise voters

Okay, if I were a member of the NAACP, I would be looking for a new representative. Mr. Guy seems to want to say those he claims to represent are ignorant. And then he says things such as this from The Greenville News...
Guy said one polling place, Forest Hills Baptist Church, changed its name to Disciples Fellowship Baptist Church since voting cards were printed last week. "This mistake is another example of the Election Commission's late and confusing efforts to disenfranchise voters in Greenville County," Guy said.
Now, what exactly was the mistake - that he allowed Forest Hills Baptist Church to change its name? Do we assume that Guy wanted Conway Belangia to interfere in the decision of a church?


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