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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ah, the joys of youth!

While I was trying to recover last Sunday afternoon from the Upstate Winter Bicycle League on Saturday, Strad and his friends were heading up to Caesars Head. That put those guys over 160 challenging miles in the two days. I probably could have done it, but I would have been in bed for two days!

Blair Turner - Alder Martz - Danny Estevez - Stradford Helms

Strad and Blair are junior riders for the Ultimate/Carolina Cyclone team and Danny and Alder ride for the Hot Tubes development team.

Yes, the joys of youth. It is true that as you get older you can do about what you could do when you were younger -- it just takes longer to get over it! I find that to be pretty true. However, the great thing about cycling is that it is a sport for life. I've seen too many "older" people who are climbing Mount Mitchell and toasting me during the Hour of Power. I figure I've got lots of years to enjoy -- even if I did get a late start.


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