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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

He didn't make it

Well, it was a valiant try, but Trent Mayo did not make the show "Racin' for a Livin'." I keep hoping that maybe something will come up and he'll still be able to get on board. My guess is that the producers would have really liked to have had him. He has such an interesting story to tell - or maybe I should say he is an interesting story.

I guess I went on vacation at just the wrong time. The votes I had been giving him helped move him into the top 15 for several weeks. Then I went on vacation and he dropped to 20th. He finally ended up 17th.

We'll see if the show gets picked up by a network. I am aware that some cable outfits have expressed interest, but the producers want to hold out for a big three - or Fox - option.

Either way, I don't think we've heard the last of Trent Mayo.


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