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Saturday, September 25, 2004

Tar Heels - Back to Normal

North Carolina Shut Out By Louisville

Everyone complained about the Tar Heel defense coming into this season. The offense was supposed be the bright spot. If the O is to be the light, it is going to be a pretty dark year!

Granted, Durant was uncharacteristicly off target today. Maybe he was trying too hard. Several throws that could have helped keep drives alive were behind the receivers or over thrown.

As for the defense, they fought hard but were on the field for a very long time. The offense did not help them at all. Of course, the Louisville offense helped the Tar Heel defense look good - at least on the score board - by holding the ball for an eternity in the first half.

Growing hurts. Here's hoping all this pain will lead to some gain as the year goes on.


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