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Monday, September 13, 2004

Some Morning Reading

  • Jay Nordlinger comments from Israel: "We meet with David Horovitz, editor of The Jerusalem Report. Or, hang on: In a couple of days, his appointment as editor of the Jerusalem Post will be announced. He is an important journalist (obviously), and the author of several books, including Still Life with Bombers: Israel in the Age of Terrorism. He came from England 20 years ago, and has the fluency -- the extreme fluency -- that seems inherent in Brits.

    "He makes the simple point that Israel has fought war after war, and if it had lost any one of them, 'we wouldn't be sitting here today.' The last four years, however, have been the worst in Israel's history. (I am relating Horovitz's views.) Since 2000, there have been 130 suicide bombings, which constitute a mere 10 percent of all attempted bombings. Think of it: 90 percent have been thwarted."

    Imagine this in America? We can fight them in Iraq and Afghanistan, or we can fight them here.

    Read more of Jay's trip to Israel, here.

  • Drudge links to the AP article, Kerry Hints GOP My Suppress Black Votes. Yawn. Couldn't he be more original? It wasn't a matter of if Kerry (or the DNC) would make such a charge. It was just a matter of when. Of course, it comes just a week after Democratic black leaders were accusing Kerry of taking the "black vote" for granted.

  • Of course, the sun setting on the Assault-Weapons ban is all the rage today.


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